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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Ijen Boulevard (Ijen Straat) in Malang

A pretty street with palm trees and a garden in the middle. The sentence may be used by many people to describe the condition of Ijen roads in the city of Malang. One cause of the title as a beautiful city and beautiful for no other Malang obtained thanks to the way this one.

As a region that is a landmark for the city of Malang, the Ijen is one of the places visited or simply bypassed by tourists when this city. The beauty of this path to grow perfect with some points that can be used to relax and take pictures. Since it was first built, the title as a beautiful street never escape from this place.

Ijen street itself is a masterpiece of a Dutch architect who is quite famous, Ir Thomas Karsten. With regard beauty as well as connectivity with other parts of the city, Karsten began designing road Ijen as a luxury residential area for many officials. Development of this area was conducted by Karsten in 1935 with the appropriate city planning until 1960.

Shape their own way made into a boulevard, the twin road with a barrier of the park in the middle. On the right and left are also given a palm tree to beautify the appearance of the street. The houses in the street Ijen itself at that time was inhabited by officials of the Dutch East Indies.

The houses in Ijen itself is built with the type of villa. The building is usually only consists of one floor to the ceiling and the roof is quite high and steep. The shape was made for adjusting the air of Malang pretty cool and high rainfall. In addition the design of each house also features a garden. Forms of this building can still be found on some houses in Ijen example in a corner between the street and the street of Pahlawan Trip.

The park was also built to restrict home with pedestrian paths. Besides, between the pedestrian lane to the road by the park passed a row of palm trees. Structuring roads and accesses to the streets around like Semeru, Kawi, Salak (now the Pahlawan Trip) also is of considerable concern both in beauty and convenience.

The beauty of this road increased with the church on the corner of the street Ijen with thunder and Buring. Currently, the area is also a very favorite spot for many people to take pictures. Various beauty that is owned by the Ijen is now a cause of planning quite beautiful and right in the past. No wonder that in the past Ijen area was once called the most beautiful region in the Indies.

In its development, the Ijen little different than the past. Most noticeably is changed of many homes as well as the more dense the volume of vehicles using them. But everything was still not reduce the charm of this road as one of the most beautiful and has a wonderful arrangement. Of course the beauty of these forms as well as a wide range of repertoire relic of the Dutch East Indies in the region need to be maintained so that the beauty of Ijen not only be history.

Major road or boulevard Ijen Ijen is a green line that decorate Bougenvil flowers and palm trees against the background of the Dutch colonial-style housing. There is also a military museum that stores the traditional and modern weapons ever be used in the war of independence.

Jalan Ijen well-known as a forerunner to the city of Malang. wide streets and broad is the hallmark of Jalan Ijen than that in the middle between the two roads separated by green and beautiful garden.

In Jalan Ijen is a green line that decorate Bougenvil flowers and palm trees against the background of the Dutch colonial-style housing. Museum of TNI store traditional and modern weapons ever be used in the war of independence.

Every year this road is often used as a place of a regular activity that became an icon of the city's newest tourist destination, Festival of Malang Tempoe Doeloe or Malang Kembali. Is an annual event held every eve of the Anniversary of Malang, on April 1. This event is held during the first week aims to encourage the public and tourists nostalgic for the life of the city of Malang in 1947. Ijen street is closed to all types of modern vehicles ranging from Roundabout Simpang Racing until at the end of Jalan Kawi. Road segment is divided into three blocks, namely, blocks the struggle, blocks and blocks of colonial tradition. The event offered in it like a photographic exhibition and archive documentary, stage traditional entertainment, mobile terminals and antique vehicles, roving Ijen rose gig, free medical treatment, market hawker people, toys and children's games of the past, step on the screen a documentary, an old photograph giant, race costumes, poetry and song tempo first child.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Nostalgia Train of Malang Stoomtram Maatschappij

The railway line in Indonesia is the oldest in Asia after India. The line was almost largely created in the period of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia. Not only connecting between cities, railway line also connects the region. One example is in Malang.

In Malang, in the Dutch period there used to be plenty of tram lines. The path connects several regions in Malang, Tumpang, Gondanglegi, Dampit, and Turen. The track is under the management of Malang Stoomtram Maatschappij or abbreviated as MSM who had in Malang Jagalan Station (now inactive). Although not the main station, but the station Jagalan can be regarded as the center of the MSM.

While the MSM itself centered in Blimbing Station, on the two branching rail stations are each heading to Station Ferns and Jagalan Station.

MSM as a private company established on November 14, 1897 represents the association of a tram with KSM (Kediri Stoomtram Maatschappij) which operate tremnya stretch Kediri - Pare - Djombang and surroundings. After obtaining a concession from the government of the Dutch East Indies, the MS immediately build tremnya path. However, due to limited funds, the construction was done gradually throughout the new track could be completed in 1908. In total, there are 85 km tram line built. Distance and Opening of Tram Line MS:

  • Station Malang - Bululawang station (11 km), opened 14 November 1897.
  • Bululawang station - Gondanglegi station (12 km), opened February 4, 1898.
  • Gondanglegi station - Talok station (7 km), opened 9 September 1898.
  • Talok station - Dampit station (8 km), opened January 14, 1899.
  • Gondanglegi station - Kepanjen station (17 km), opened June 10, 1900.
  • Overlapping stations - Singosari station (23 km), opened 27 April 1901.
  • Station Malang - Blimbing Station (6 km), opened February 15, 1903.
  • Sedayu station - Turen station (1 km), opened 25 September 1908.

Trams are used to transport agricultural products, especially sugar cane into areas that dikehandaki. In addition to agriculture, the tram is also used to carry passengers to the district of Malang. MSM is also connected to the station Malang who was held by the SS (Staatsspoorwegen) connecting trains between regions.

In the 1980s, MSM has been inactive back because it is said to compete with other transportation modes. Moreover, MSM founded by the Dutch also inactive.

The rest of the existence of a tram line in Malang still be seen, one of which is the path that is in the building formerly used by the station Jagalan [Kidul Market], the line is now commonly used to transport fuel in the Depot Pertamina Jl Halmahera to be taken to another area because this path can penetrate to areas Kotalama.

Of searches done by co-author on the blog memoirs country boy. Obtain information about the tram train Malang in German language forum http://www.drehscheibe-foren.de lot of the information obtained in the form of photographs or maps MSM path.

Hotel Tugu Malang: Reviving the Romance of Old Java

Tugu Malang is found at the guts of the recent city, looking to the most monument of Indonesia’s struggle for independence and an attractive lotus lake park. Tugu Malang homes an enormous, invaluable assortment of antiques influenced by the Javanese Babah Peranakan (the hundreds-years-old mixed culture between the Chinese migrants in Java and also the native Javanese).

Tugu Malang is quite simply a hotel; it's become most indigenous, most essential in experiencing the attractive richness of the history of Java.

Tugu, in Indonesian language, means that ‘monument’. Tugu Hotels area unit little in camera owned  and designed assortment of luxury art hotels born out of 1 man’s love and keenness for Indonesia’s romantic history. Tugu Hotels’ founder, Anhar Setjadibrata, once upon a time a medical student-turned-lawyer, and currently the owner of the most important assortment of fine country art and cultural antiquities in Indonesia, designed these stunning shop repository hotels to deal with his antiques and to share with the planet the romantic stories and legends of ancient kingdoms of country.

The Tugu mission is to bring back to life the art, soul and romance of Indonesia’s. This totally Indonesian expertise is achieved not solely through the suave style and themed decor, however additionally from the assorted cultural experiences that guests will solely have within the hotels. From lavish feasts and banquets of kings from the fourteenth century Majapahit Kingdom with parades of troopers, dancers, and offerings, to humble village dinners of Java and island with recent women cookery in terracotta pots, wood-fire, and feeding with clean hands. The Tugu Spa treatments embrace offerings of ancient jamus within the seasoning health professional that don’t exist any longer in fashionable country, yet as religious treatments like Mantra medical aid and alternative inner healings.

The first Tugu in East Java, edifice Tugu Malang, received its name for its location facing the central monument in downtown Dutch colonial-era Malang. currently Tugu Hotels & Exotic Spas in island, Lombok, Blitar and Malang, all stand as distinctive monuments of forgotten art, culture and romance of the thousand-years-old Indonesian dry land.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Taman Indie Restaurant in Malang

I want to enjoy my holiday in Malang by eating foods with artificial typical mother or eating typical foods in restaurants that dot the city of Malang.

One restaurant that I have visited is the Taman Indie. Located in the city of Malang, East Java, in a residential Pondok Blimbing Indah (Araya). The location makes the land winding places to eat this one has its own uniqueness. Combined with river and planted with rice in the mouth of the river makes this restaurant different from any other restaurant in Malang. No wonder the place is often used as a filming a cooking show on TV.

Dining is also just adjacent to the golf course. While enjoying the meal is not rare voice golf cars crossing the bridge sounds. This kind of scenery can be viewed directly from the gazebo were scattered in the river mouth.

If you do not like sitting on the floor in the gazebo, the above are also available as places to eat in general are enjoying the food on the table and a chair.

What about the dishes served here?

Various menu from traditional to modern here. With typical presentation adds to our appetite. Moreover, a light breeze blowing in between the rice plants and trees around. Hmm ....

Ndeso Rice is one of the mainstay of the menu here. Served with a very wide peanut brittle, peanut brittle widest I've ever encountered to date. Similarly, the rice served with vegetables. Anyway, in contrast to vegetable lodeh in general. Whether the mixture is used, which of course, delicious and coconut milk used is not too thick.

For drinks can try ice siwalan. Typical fruit of the plant is still in relative palm thinly sliced ​​and combined with pandan syrup. Suppose served with water of legen certainly more fresh again on the tongue.

Curious? Please visit Taman Indie, Jl. Rivera Golf  Utama 12-16 Complex of Kota Araya Malang, East Java. Tel. 0341-414333

Amsterdam Restaurant is an Iconic Restaurant in Malang

This food seems to want to impress visitors with decor that includes one of the cities in the Netherlands, Amsterdam. Iconic 'I Amsterdam' to welcome the visitors who want to tasting dishes here. Similarly, the decor in the room inside, imaging city with thousand canals.

The menu is varied and served in portions that fit according to my size, not too much and not too little. I had come with my dear nephew try the menu that is different and we each grimy menu each - each.

Among a series of menu we ordered, I love the taste of burgers, tasty and not neg. Tender meat tastes also taste on the tongue. Another dish that is no less delicious pasta and steak that comes with French fries.

Eating place was quite crowded at night, somehow the atmosphere during the day. The strains of live music to accompany the dinner we then, whether there is live music continues every day. The singer's voice and the music fit the ear with a relaxed atmosphere and of course the convenient once.

Amsterdam Restaurant, Jl. Pahlawan Trip No. 25, Malang. Tel. 0341-566536

Rujak Cingur in Malang

Back to our culinary journey leading to the main menu meal serving salad, salad cingur precisely. Located in a residential area, this restaurant has existed since 1969. And do not be surprised if you come here to see the waiter who was aged old old alias. Even aunt who mixed rujaknya has aged well. Mentawai Cingur salad is one of the famous culinary place in the city of Malang.

With painstaking, the seller cut the tofu, tempeh, fruit and do not forget slice cingur and put on the table that is paved with banana leaves. While there is one person in charge of making the marinade. In place of this meal, the order is recorded on a small piece of paper and the seller based on the order mix salad.

For this type of marinade in the message according to our taste. Can be spicy at all or without chilli is even a kind of seasoning for the first time I've heard, that clumsy. Yes, clumsy is the designation for seasoning sweet and sour, so the added acid and sugar so it tastes a little different from the usual condiments.

In the dining area is also provided a variety of snacks such as bananas ledre, paste ready meal, crackers and various chips also exist. Well, if you want to tempay is not too late yes, fear is already closed. We recommend that you arrive before 3pm.

Want to spice salad cingur clumsy?

Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Ice Gandul Tali Merang

It's very rare to find ice that is called Ice Gandul Tali Merang for shaved ice was compacted by hand and given a sugary syrup and then lace-up with a rope of straw, so do you eat from the ground in advance by picking up his straw rope.

This ice is one of the rare culinary which only found diacara events of the past such as MTD (Malang Tempoe Doeloe) where ice is very flourishing at a time when this event took place.

How to eat a dish of ice is also quite unique, if the ice is usually eaten with a bowl or bite using directly if this ice we must actively suck to get a taste of that in this ice.

Indeed, this ice is another form of syrup but the difference is that the ice is served without water and puree the ice shaved and splashed or added with various flavors of syrup. So that it resembles ice rainbow design.
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