Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Nostalgia Train of Malang Stoomtram Maatschappij

The railway line in Indonesia is the oldest in Asia after India. The line was almost largely created in the period of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia. Not only connecting between cities, railway line also connects the region. One example is in Malang.

In Malang, in the Dutch period there used to be plenty of tram lines. The path connects several regions in Malang, Tumpang, Gondanglegi, Dampit, and Turen. The track is under the management of Malang Stoomtram Maatschappij or abbreviated as MSM who had in Malang Jagalan Station (now inactive). Although not the main station, but the station Jagalan can be regarded as the center of the MSM.

While the MSM itself centered in Blimbing Station, on the two branching rail stations are each heading to Station Ferns and Jagalan Station.

MSM as a private company established on November 14, 1897 represents the association of a tram with KSM (Kediri Stoomtram Maatschappij) which operate tremnya stretch Kediri - Pare - Djombang and surroundings. After obtaining a concession from the government of the Dutch East Indies, the MS immediately build tremnya path. However, due to limited funds, the construction was done gradually throughout the new track could be completed in 1908. In total, there are 85 km tram line built. Distance and Opening of Tram Line MS:

  • Station Malang - Bululawang station (11 km), opened 14 November 1897.
  • Bululawang station - Gondanglegi station (12 km), opened February 4, 1898.
  • Gondanglegi station - Talok station (7 km), opened 9 September 1898.
  • Talok station - Dampit station (8 km), opened January 14, 1899.
  • Gondanglegi station - Kepanjen station (17 km), opened June 10, 1900.
  • Overlapping stations - Singosari station (23 km), opened 27 April 1901.
  • Station Malang - Blimbing Station (6 km), opened February 15, 1903.
  • Sedayu station - Turen station (1 km), opened 25 September 1908.

Trams are used to transport agricultural products, especially sugar cane into areas that dikehandaki. In addition to agriculture, the tram is also used to carry passengers to the district of Malang. MSM is also connected to the station Malang who was held by the SS (Staatsspoorwegen) connecting trains between regions.

In the 1980s, MSM has been inactive back because it is said to compete with other transportation modes. Moreover, MSM founded by the Dutch also inactive.

The rest of the existence of a tram line in Malang still be seen, one of which is the path that is in the building formerly used by the station Jagalan [Kidul Market], the line is now commonly used to transport fuel in the Depot Pertamina Jl Halmahera to be taken to another area because this path can penetrate to areas Kotalama.

Of searches done by co-author on the blog memoirs country boy. Obtain information about the tram train Malang in German language forum http://www.drehscheibe-foren.de lot of the information obtained in the form of photographs or maps MSM path.
Location: Malang, Malang City, East Java, Indonesia


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