Saturday, September 3, 2016

First Property Advertisement in Malang

Settlements or housing residents become very important for the citizens of the Netherlands in Malang. Circumstances that attract a number of contractors to build housing for residents of the Netherlands.

In the Dutch colonial government, settlements and urban planning had been arranged so that the house allotment to Dutch citizens who worked in the gardens of the Government has been especially in the area of Jalan Ijen Malang.

In a newspaper De Indische Courant on 6 September 1934 (which dikliping by facebook page news Malang) there is a housing ad for Dutch citizens. Housing was created by architect Smits-Koper & Hoogerbeets. Its location adjacent to Jalan Ijen.

Malang’s Fraaiste Woonwijk
Weet U Reeds

dat wij U in de omgeving van de nieuwe Cathedraal en nieuwe Zusterschool aan en bij den Idjen Boulevard, het mooiste gedeelte van Malang, op een tot nog toe ongekende wijze aan een Eigen Huis kunnen helpen, Uw maandelijksche huur is de afbetaling van de koopsom op rentebasis van 6% Instede van slechts engkele weken vancantie in de bergen, vestigt U zich thans te Malang, voor Soerabaianen geen bezwaar meer, daar de treinverbinding slechts een tijdsduur van 5 kwartier vraagt Spoortarieven zijn thans zeer verlaagd. Vrouw en kinderen kunnen boortdurend in het koele klimaat verblijven Gij kent de gunstige resultaten van den scholen te Malang

Reads a newspaper advertisement which more or less means

Occupancy best in Malang,
Have you

we found in the vicinity of the church and the school nurse and close to Ijen Boulevard. Best location in Malang to assist your privacy. Purchases can be made by installments with interest rate of 6 percent.

Now, if you spend a weekend in mountainous areas will not mind because the housing is located only five minutes from the station. Of course this will be liked by your family.

The ad also aired in price, ranging from 6000 guilders (Rp39 million) to 13,000 guilders (Rp85 million). The price of course is very expensive for the size of Indonesia at that time, and becomes cheaper for residents of the Netherlands.

While location is still unknown, it could be found in Jalan Gunung-mountains in Malang. Clearly office to purchase the house located at number 33 with telephone Lowokwaru 301.
Location: Malang, Malang City, East Java, Indonesia


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