Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Ice Gandul Tali Merang

It's very rare to find ice that is called Ice Gandul Tali Merang for shaved ice was compacted by hand and given a sugary syrup and then lace-up with a rope of straw, so do you eat from the ground in advance by picking up his straw rope.

This ice is one of the rare culinary which only found diacara events of the past such as MTD (Malang Tempoe Doeloe) where ice is very flourishing at a time when this event took place.

How to eat a dish of ice is also quite unique, if the ice is usually eaten with a bowl or bite using directly if this ice we must actively suck to get a taste of that in this ice.

Indeed, this ice is another form of syrup but the difference is that the ice is served without water and puree the ice shaved and splashed or added with various flavors of syrup. So that it resembles ice rainbow design.
Location: Malang, Malang City, East Java, Indonesia

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