Saturday, September 3, 2016

History of Balaikota Malang in Indonesia

Before 1914 Malang is still a part of the area of ​​residency of Pasuruan and Malang is the highest authority in the Assistant Resident and his office is located in the south Square (now the office of the State Treasury). After Malang raised its status to Gemeente (the city government) April 1, 1914, the city of Malang right to govern their own areas, led by a Burgemeester (Mayor). Originally mayoralty was held by the Assistant Resident until 1918. New 1919 first mayor of Malang has HI Bussemaker, who took up the post until 1929. Although the mayor has been appointed, but until 1926 the city of Malang still do not have a permanent city hall office.

The reason for forming a new government center area makes the city (Gemeente) made the second city expansion plan (Bouwplan II) which was decided on April 26, 1920. The area is named as Gouverneur-Generaalbuurt. The plan was only implemented in 1922. The field is the orientation of the major new area was then named as Jan Pieterszoon Coenplein (JP Square. Coen). Because the field is spherical (Javanese: bunder), it is often referred to as square Bunder. In the middle of the square Bunder made fountain. The square around the Bunder, then established a variety of formal and monumental buildings such as City Hall Malang, school buildings HBS (AMS), now SMA, the residence of the military commander, Hotel Splendid, and the Office of Topography, as well as other villa buildings. The new neighborhood became known as an area that characterizes the city of Malang.

The idea of ​​planning the Malang City Hall up until late 1926. At that time the mayor H.I. Bussemaker Malang City Hall held a design contest, whose location has been determined in the south field JP. Coen. Gemeente Malang pointed Ir. W. Lemei as a judge assisted by Ir. Ph. N. te Winkel and Ir. A. Grunberg. Ir. W. Lemei is Landsgebouwendienst officer (Chief of Bureau State Building). In the contest there are 22 incoming image.

The report given by the jury to Gemeente Malang basically emphasize that none of the participants who successfully meet the requirements of the contest winner. Sketch-plan of the incoming incoming suggests that the author is less expert, commented the jury. The most notable shortage of almost all participants according to the jury report, among others, stuff and mount too fancy, distribution of rooms were less good, less harmonious size comparison of space-space. The possibilities for expansion was not met by some participants. There were some participants who tried to oblige but the results were considered very messy. Only one or two are really thinking about it properly. It is therefore not surprising that in the end the jury decided that there was no winner among the followers of the contest.

But after research conducted back, then decided to take the three designs to choose from. Having held back the votes among the three featured nothing was rated number one. Winner number two and three are given to the two best participants. By the jury assessed that both projects were selected as winner may be implemented at a cost of approximately f 175.000, -.

On February 14, 1927 decided by the House of Representatives (Gemeenteraad) that is considered the best design can be realized with various changes proposed by the jury. The decision falls to the draft HF Horn of Semarang with the motto Voor de Burgers van Malang (Malang For Residents). The city hall building work carried out by the city itself in 1927-1929, with the current cost of f 287,000, - and the furniture of f 12 325, -. In November 1929 the new building can be used. The first to occupy the building is a replacement HI Bussemaker, namely Ir. EA Voorneman.

A few years later what was raised by the jury as a deficiency, ie on the division office, proved correct. As a result of the growth of Malang very fast, some departments require expansion. There are parts that have to change places and some confinement is not sufficient anymore. To overcome the shortage of these places, then the reading room and library moved town house in Jalan Arjuna State Department. With these empty spaces for temporary shortage of space then it can be solved.

The design of the interior of the City Hall Malang entrusted to C. Citroen, the famous architect of Surabaya. The interior is designed by Citroen is the interior of the assembly hall, the mayor and his secretary space. Because the cost of construction of the building turned out were unexpected, the budget for the interior has become limited. Nevertheless Citroen has managed to create an interior that describes the impression of quite authoritative. Teak wood is white, while the chair was given bekled of kaleb yellow skin.

City hall building consists of two floors. The orientation of the building facing north-south. Because the location and shape of the main location, then the city hall as if to master the JP courts. Coen (Square Bunder) beautifully. The main form of schematics correspond completely to the will of the situation that should lead to the field JP Coen. looked-shaped building symmetry with the main door right in the middle. Above the entrance to the meeting room is located along a large terrace flanked by the mayor and council chamber Daily. All traffic must go through the main door. Agencies dealing with the public on a lower floor. The situation is very supportive of the building so that the building appear to be monumental and magnificent.

In contrast to the design of other colonial offices in the Indies at the time, Malang City Hall was modeled verandas (circulation liaison) at the rear. In general, the colonial office was built almost simultaneously by Hall Malang at the time, such as the City Hall office of Surabaya, East Java Governor's Office or Office of HVA in Surabaya took lobby surrounding the building. Because there is no direct protection on the windows looked ahead, then the windows at City Hall Malang is now forced by overstek addition, to hold tampiasan rainwater and the entry of direct sunlight (although the orientation of the building attempted to north-south direction, but not exact). City Government (Gemeente) Malang when it is aware of some shortcomings of the building design, the interior of the building to the Gemeente forced to ask for help C. Citroen domiciled in Surabaya.

On July 29 1947 the Dutch invaded Malang is known as the Dutch Military Aggression I. On July 31, 1947 at 9:30 am Dutch troops occupied the city of Malang. Before the Dutch army entered the town, the courthouse has been burnt to the ground by the fighters. Not only destroyed the courthouse, other important buildings include a thousand buildings were burned succession. Only after the war of independence Malang Town Hall building rebuilt.
Location: Malang, Malang City, East Java, Indonesia


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