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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Ijen Boulevard (Ijen Straat) in Malang

A pretty street with palm trees and a garden in the middle. The sentence may be used by many people to describe the condition of Ijen roads in the city of Malang. One cause of the title as a beautiful city and beautiful for no other Malang obtained thanks to the way this one.

As a region that is a landmark for the city of Malang, the Ijen is one of the places visited or simply bypassed by tourists when this city. The beauty of this path to grow perfect with some points that can be used to relax and take pictures. Since it was first built, the title as a beautiful street never escape from this place.

Ijen street itself is a masterpiece of a Dutch architect who is quite famous, Ir Thomas Karsten. With regard beauty as well as connectivity with other parts of the city, Karsten began designing road Ijen as a luxury residential area for many officials. Development of this area was conducted by Karsten in 1935 with the appropriate city planning until 1960.

Shape their own way made into a boulevard, the twin road with a barrier of the park in the middle. On the right and left are also given a palm tree to beautify the appearance of the street. The houses in the street Ijen itself at that time was inhabited by officials of the Dutch East Indies.

The houses in Ijen itself is built with the type of villa. The building is usually only consists of one floor to the ceiling and the roof is quite high and steep. The shape was made for adjusting the air of Malang pretty cool and high rainfall. In addition the design of each house also features a garden. Forms of this building can still be found on some houses in Ijen example in a corner between the street and the street of Pahlawan Trip.

The park was also built to restrict home with pedestrian paths. Besides, between the pedestrian lane to the road by the park passed a row of palm trees. Structuring roads and accesses to the streets around like Semeru, Kawi, Salak (now the Pahlawan Trip) also is of considerable concern both in beauty and convenience.

The beauty of this road increased with the church on the corner of the street Ijen with thunder and Buring. Currently, the area is also a very favorite spot for many people to take pictures. Various beauty that is owned by the Ijen is now a cause of planning quite beautiful and right in the past. No wonder that in the past Ijen area was once called the most beautiful region in the Indies.

In its development, the Ijen little different than the past. Most noticeably is changed of many homes as well as the more dense the volume of vehicles using them. But everything was still not reduce the charm of this road as one of the most beautiful and has a wonderful arrangement. Of course the beauty of these forms as well as a wide range of repertoire relic of the Dutch East Indies in the region need to be maintained so that the beauty of Ijen not only be history.

Major road or boulevard Ijen Ijen is a green line that decorate Bougenvil flowers and palm trees against the background of the Dutch colonial-style housing. There is also a military museum that stores the traditional and modern weapons ever be used in the war of independence.

Jalan Ijen well-known as a forerunner to the city of Malang. wide streets and broad is the hallmark of Jalan Ijen than that in the middle between the two roads separated by green and beautiful garden.

In Jalan Ijen is a green line that decorate Bougenvil flowers and palm trees against the background of the Dutch colonial-style housing. Museum of TNI store traditional and modern weapons ever be used in the war of independence.

Every year this road is often used as a place of a regular activity that became an icon of the city's newest tourist destination, Festival of Malang Tempoe Doeloe or Malang Kembali. Is an annual event held every eve of the Anniversary of Malang, on April 1. This event is held during the first week aims to encourage the public and tourists nostalgic for the life of the city of Malang in 1947. Ijen street is closed to all types of modern vehicles ranging from Roundabout Simpang Racing until at the end of Jalan Kawi. Road segment is divided into three blocks, namely, blocks the struggle, blocks and blocks of colonial tradition. The event offered in it like a photographic exhibition and archive documentary, stage traditional entertainment, mobile terminals and antique vehicles, roving Ijen rose gig, free medical treatment, market hawker people, toys and children's games of the past, step on the screen a documentary, an old photograph giant, race costumes, poetry and song tempo first child.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Nostalgia Train of Malang Stoomtram Maatschappij

The railway line in Indonesia is the oldest in Asia after India. The line was almost largely created in the period of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia. Not only connecting between cities, railway line also connects the region. One example is in Malang.

In Malang, in the Dutch period there used to be plenty of tram lines. The path connects several regions in Malang, Tumpang, Gondanglegi, Dampit, and Turen. The track is under the management of Malang Stoomtram Maatschappij or abbreviated as MSM who had in Malang Jagalan Station (now inactive). Although not the main station, but the station Jagalan can be regarded as the center of the MSM.

While the MSM itself centered in Blimbing Station, on the two branching rail stations are each heading to Station Ferns and Jagalan Station.

MSM as a private company established on November 14, 1897 represents the association of a tram with KSM (Kediri Stoomtram Maatschappij) which operate tremnya stretch Kediri - Pare - Djombang and surroundings. After obtaining a concession from the government of the Dutch East Indies, the MS immediately build tremnya path. However, due to limited funds, the construction was done gradually throughout the new track could be completed in 1908. In total, there are 85 km tram line built. Distance and Opening of Tram Line MS:

  • Station Malang - Bululawang station (11 km), opened 14 November 1897.
  • Bululawang station - Gondanglegi station (12 km), opened February 4, 1898.
  • Gondanglegi station - Talok station (7 km), opened 9 September 1898.
  • Talok station - Dampit station (8 km), opened January 14, 1899.
  • Gondanglegi station - Kepanjen station (17 km), opened June 10, 1900.
  • Overlapping stations - Singosari station (23 km), opened 27 April 1901.
  • Station Malang - Blimbing Station (6 km), opened February 15, 1903.
  • Sedayu station - Turen station (1 km), opened 25 September 1908.

Trams are used to transport agricultural products, especially sugar cane into areas that dikehandaki. In addition to agriculture, the tram is also used to carry passengers to the district of Malang. MSM is also connected to the station Malang who was held by the SS (Staatsspoorwegen) connecting trains between regions.

In the 1980s, MSM has been inactive back because it is said to compete with other transportation modes. Moreover, MSM founded by the Dutch also inactive.

The rest of the existence of a tram line in Malang still be seen, one of which is the path that is in the building formerly used by the station Jagalan [Kidul Market], the line is now commonly used to transport fuel in the Depot Pertamina Jl Halmahera to be taken to another area because this path can penetrate to areas Kotalama.

Of searches done by co-author on the blog memoirs country boy. Obtain information about the tram train Malang in German language forum http://www.drehscheibe-foren.de lot of the information obtained in the form of photographs or maps MSM path.

Hotel Tugu Malang: Reviving the Romance of Old Java

Tugu Malang is found at the guts of the recent city, looking to the most monument of Indonesia’s struggle for independence and an attractive lotus lake park. Tugu Malang homes an enormous, invaluable assortment of antiques influenced by the Javanese Babah Peranakan (the hundreds-years-old mixed culture between the Chinese migrants in Java and also the native Javanese).

Tugu Malang is quite simply a hotel; it's become most indigenous, most essential in experiencing the attractive richness of the history of Java.

Tugu, in Indonesian language, means that ‘monument’. Tugu Hotels area unit little in camera owned  and designed assortment of luxury art hotels born out of 1 man’s love and keenness for Indonesia’s romantic history. Tugu Hotels’ founder, Anhar Setjadibrata, once upon a time a medical student-turned-lawyer, and currently the owner of the most important assortment of fine country art and cultural antiquities in Indonesia, designed these stunning shop repository hotels to deal with his antiques and to share with the planet the romantic stories and legends of ancient kingdoms of country.

The Tugu mission is to bring back to life the art, soul and romance of Indonesia’s. This totally Indonesian expertise is achieved not solely through the suave style and themed decor, however additionally from the assorted cultural experiences that guests will solely have within the hotels. From lavish feasts and banquets of kings from the fourteenth century Majapahit Kingdom with parades of troopers, dancers, and offerings, to humble village dinners of Java and island with recent women cookery in terracotta pots, wood-fire, and feeding with clean hands. The Tugu Spa treatments embrace offerings of ancient jamus within the seasoning health professional that don’t exist any longer in fashionable country, yet as religious treatments like Mantra medical aid and alternative inner healings.

The first Tugu in East Java, edifice Tugu Malang, received its name for its location facing the central monument in downtown Dutch colonial-era Malang. currently Tugu Hotels & Exotic Spas in island, Lombok, Blitar and Malang, all stand as distinctive monuments of forgotten art, culture and romance of the thousand-years-old Indonesian dry land.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Taman Indie Restaurant in Malang

I want to enjoy my holiday in Malang by eating foods with artificial typical mother or eating typical foods in restaurants that dot the city of Malang.

One restaurant that I have visited is the Taman Indie. Located in the city of Malang, East Java, in a residential Pondok Blimbing Indah (Araya). The location makes the land winding places to eat this one has its own uniqueness. Combined with river and planted with rice in the mouth of the river makes this restaurant different from any other restaurant in Malang. No wonder the place is often used as a filming a cooking show on TV.

Dining is also just adjacent to the golf course. While enjoying the meal is not rare voice golf cars crossing the bridge sounds. This kind of scenery can be viewed directly from the gazebo were scattered in the river mouth.

If you do not like sitting on the floor in the gazebo, the above are also available as places to eat in general are enjoying the food on the table and a chair.

What about the dishes served here?

Various menu from traditional to modern here. With typical presentation adds to our appetite. Moreover, a light breeze blowing in between the rice plants and trees around. Hmm ....

Ndeso Rice is one of the mainstay of the menu here. Served with a very wide peanut brittle, peanut brittle widest I've ever encountered to date. Similarly, the rice served with vegetables. Anyway, in contrast to vegetable lodeh in general. Whether the mixture is used, which of course, delicious and coconut milk used is not too thick.

For drinks can try ice siwalan. Typical fruit of the plant is still in relative palm thinly sliced ​​and combined with pandan syrup. Suppose served with water of legen certainly more fresh again on the tongue.

Curious? Please visit Taman Indie, Jl. Rivera Golf  Utama 12-16 Complex of Kota Araya Malang, East Java. Tel. 0341-414333

Amsterdam Restaurant is an Iconic Restaurant in Malang

This food seems to want to impress visitors with decor that includes one of the cities in the Netherlands, Amsterdam. Iconic 'I Amsterdam' to welcome the visitors who want to tasting dishes here. Similarly, the decor in the room inside, imaging city with thousand canals.

The menu is varied and served in portions that fit according to my size, not too much and not too little. I had come with my dear nephew try the menu that is different and we each grimy menu each - each.

Among a series of menu we ordered, I love the taste of burgers, tasty and not neg. Tender meat tastes also taste on the tongue. Another dish that is no less delicious pasta and steak that comes with French fries.

Eating place was quite crowded at night, somehow the atmosphere during the day. The strains of live music to accompany the dinner we then, whether there is live music continues every day. The singer's voice and the music fit the ear with a relaxed atmosphere and of course the convenient once.

Amsterdam Restaurant, Jl. Pahlawan Trip No. 25, Malang. Tel. 0341-566536

Rujak Cingur in Malang

Back to our culinary journey leading to the main menu meal serving salad, salad cingur precisely. Located in a residential area, this restaurant has existed since 1969. And do not be surprised if you come here to see the waiter who was aged old old alias. Even aunt who mixed rujaknya has aged well. Mentawai Cingur salad is one of the famous culinary place in the city of Malang.

With painstaking, the seller cut the tofu, tempeh, fruit and do not forget slice cingur and put on the table that is paved with banana leaves. While there is one person in charge of making the marinade. In place of this meal, the order is recorded on a small piece of paper and the seller based on the order mix salad.

For this type of marinade in the message according to our taste. Can be spicy at all or without chilli is even a kind of seasoning for the first time I've heard, that clumsy. Yes, clumsy is the designation for seasoning sweet and sour, so the added acid and sugar so it tastes a little different from the usual condiments.

In the dining area is also provided a variety of snacks such as bananas ledre, paste ready meal, crackers and various chips also exist. Well, if you want to tempay is not too late yes, fear is already closed. We recommend that you arrive before 3pm.

Want to spice salad cingur clumsy?

Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Ice Gandul Tali Merang

It's very rare to find ice that is called Ice Gandul Tali Merang for shaved ice was compacted by hand and given a sugary syrup and then lace-up with a rope of straw, so do you eat from the ground in advance by picking up his straw rope.

This ice is one of the rare culinary which only found diacara events of the past such as MTD (Malang Tempoe Doeloe) where ice is very flourishing at a time when this event took place.

How to eat a dish of ice is also quite unique, if the ice is usually eaten with a bowl or bite using directly if this ice we must actively suck to get a taste of that in this ice.

Indeed, this ice is another form of syrup but the difference is that the ice is served without water and puree the ice shaved and splashed or added with various flavors of syrup. So that it resembles ice rainbow design.

Eerste woning advertentie in Malang

Nederzettingen of huisvesting bewoners zeer belangrijk geworden voor de burgers van Nederland in Malang. Omstandigheden die een aantal aannemers te trekken om woningen te bouwen voor inwoners van Nederland.

In de Nederlandse koloniale overheid, had nederzettingen en stedelijke planning is zo ingericht dat het huis toewijzing aan Nederlanders die in de tuinen van de regering werkte vooral op het gebied van Jalan Ijen Malang is geweest.

In een krant De Indische Courant op 6 september 1934 (die dikliping door facebook pagina nieuws Malang) is er een woning voor de Nederlandse burgers. Behuizing is gemaakt door architect Smits-Koper & Hoogerbeets. De locatie grenst aan Jalan Ijen.

Malang’s Fraaiste Woonwijk
Weet U Reeds

dat wij U in de omgeving van de nieuwe Cathedraal en nieuwe Zusterschool aan en bij den Idjen Boulevard, het mooiste gedeelte van Malang, op een tot nog toe ongekende wijze aan een Eigen Huis kunnen helpen, Uw maandelijksche huur is de afbetaling van de koopsom op rentebasis van 6% Instede van slechts engkele weken vancantie in de bergen, vestigt U zich thans te Malang, voor Soerabaianen geen bezwaar meer, daar de treinverbinding slechts een tijdsduur van 5 kwartier vraagt Spoortarieven zijn thans zeer verlaagd. Vrouw en kinderen kunnen boortdurend in het koele klimaat verblijven Gij kent de gunstige resultaten van den scholen te Malang

De advertentie ook uitgezonden in prijs, variërend van 6000 gulden (Rp39 miljoen euro) tot 13.000 gulden (Rp85 miljoen). De prijs is natuurlijk erg duur voor de grootte van Indonesië in die tijd, en wordt goedkoper voor inwoners van Nederland.

Terwijl de locatie is nog niet bekend, zou kunnen worden gevonden in Jalan Gunung-bergen in Malang. Het is duidelijk dat kantoor om het huis op nummer 33 met telefoon Lowokwaru 301 aan te schaffen.

First Property Advertisement in Malang

Settlements or housing residents become very important for the citizens of the Netherlands in Malang. Circumstances that attract a number of contractors to build housing for residents of the Netherlands.

In the Dutch colonial government, settlements and urban planning had been arranged so that the house allotment to Dutch citizens who worked in the gardens of the Government has been especially in the area of Jalan Ijen Malang.

In a newspaper De Indische Courant on 6 September 1934 (which dikliping by facebook page news Malang) there is a housing ad for Dutch citizens. Housing was created by architect Smits-Koper & Hoogerbeets. Its location adjacent to Jalan Ijen.

Malang’s Fraaiste Woonwijk
Weet U Reeds

dat wij U in de omgeving van de nieuwe Cathedraal en nieuwe Zusterschool aan en bij den Idjen Boulevard, het mooiste gedeelte van Malang, op een tot nog toe ongekende wijze aan een Eigen Huis kunnen helpen, Uw maandelijksche huur is de afbetaling van de koopsom op rentebasis van 6% Instede van slechts engkele weken vancantie in de bergen, vestigt U zich thans te Malang, voor Soerabaianen geen bezwaar meer, daar de treinverbinding slechts een tijdsduur van 5 kwartier vraagt Spoortarieven zijn thans zeer verlaagd. Vrouw en kinderen kunnen boortdurend in het koele klimaat verblijven Gij kent de gunstige resultaten van den scholen te Malang

Reads a newspaper advertisement which more or less means

Occupancy best in Malang,
Have you

we found in the vicinity of the church and the school nurse and close to Ijen Boulevard. Best location in Malang to assist your privacy. Purchases can be made by installments with interest rate of 6 percent.

Now, if you spend a weekend in mountainous areas will not mind because the housing is located only five minutes from the station. Of course this will be liked by your family.

The ad also aired in price, ranging from 6000 guilders (Rp39 million) to 13,000 guilders (Rp85 million). The price of course is very expensive for the size of Indonesia at that time, and becomes cheaper for residents of the Netherlands.

While location is still unknown, it could be found in Jalan Gunung-mountains in Malang. Clearly office to purchase the house located at number 33 with telephone Lowokwaru 301.

Robert Earl Freeberg, is one of those who contributed in the beginning of the independence of Indonesia

Robert Earl Freeberg, is one of those who contributed in the beginning of the independence of Indonesia. Pilot pay a US Holder's gallant flying through the air blockade Netherlands. Bob dozen times running operation 'black flight' or low dark smuggle opium and a variety of natural products Indonesia in exchange for weapons or money abroad. The result of the smuggling used to fund state Sukarno government in difficult times early independence.

In the eyes of the President, Bob is an idealistic person. She was destined to come to help the Indonesian people's struggle.

"A young man one day appeared out of nowhere and introduced herself. My name is Bob Freeberg. I'm an American. I'm a pilot and sympathize with your struggle. What help can I give?" Thus Sukarno in a biography written by Cindy Adams.

Bob is a former fighter pilot US Navy during World War II. After the war ended, the man from Kansas became a charter pilot CALI (Commercial Air Lines Incorporated) Philippines. He met the Air Officer III Petit Muharto Kartodirdjo in Singapore and soon declared his willingness to perform low to help Indonesia.

Bob then save up and buy a transport aircraft DC-3 Dakota. He gave the name of the RI-002 aircraft. Why not RI-001? Bob believes RI-001 name should be given to honor the name of the first aircraft owned by Indonesia. When Bob hired, Indonesia does not have a single transport aircraft.

Bob helped smuggle gold, opium, silver, quinine and rubber from Indonesia abroad. Then he took weapons, clothes and medicines from abroad to Indonesia. Bob exciting adventure story like in action movies only.

Bob also helped the military to conduct military operations. He was the first pilot to do the airdrop operation of the Indonesian Air Force. On October 17, 1947, Bob flew RI-002 from the airport to Kotawaringin Maguwo, Central Kalimantan. TNI Air Force deployed 12 soldiers to break the blockade Dutch and inflame the resistance there.

Bob also dropping Soekarno around Sumatra in order to solicit donations to help the plight of the people of Indonesia. People Aceh then added 20 kg of gold which then bought the Dakota with seulawah name or a mountain of gold. These aircraft were then given a registration number RI-001.

Bob is a mercenary pilot. But he is emotionally involved in the struggle of the Indonesian nation. Bob can not accept mistreatment Netherlands against the people of Indonesia. In letters sent to his family in the US, Bob always describe its respect for the people of Indonesia.

"It's amazing to see the Indonesian people fighting for their freedom," Bob said as quoted from smithsonianmag.com.

Unfortunately, the fate of Bob ended tragically. The plane crashed while sending 20 kilograms of gold to Palembang. September 29, 1948, Bob Dakota plane crashed in the forest wilderness. Allegedly the plane was shot down fighter Netherlands.

"He had an accident when I sent him to Palembang to bring in money to help the guerrillas in Sumatra. I never will forget the American people, my friend, Bob Freeberg," said Sukarno.

Scout Jamboree On Horse Racing Malang early 1900

Scouting or Scouting is an activity that was popularized by Lord Baden-Powell in the early 1900s for adolescents Europe especially England. No wonder when the era of colonialism, the Netherlands also introduced scouting in Indonesia.

Pandu in Dutch colonial times
Scout, scouts or Padvinders in the Dutch language very well with kids in ancient times. The event nature of camping, hunting, up climb quite popular although in the past it was initially more enjoyed by the gentry.

Then, after the oath of youth in 1928, awareness of the unity of the country makes Padvinder more loved by the nation of Indonesia. At that time scouting organization created by a Dutchman named Nederland Indische Vereeniging Padvinders (Persatuan Pandu Pandu-Indies). The organization was born from a variety of activities jamboree.

One activity which is quite popular is the implementation of the jamboree in Malang.

In the Dutch colonial government, Malang has been known as a place on the plateau were lovely and cool. From some legacy archives found if this city ever to host. The event itself is done in Jalan Ijen, precisely in the field of horse racing in the 30s.

Malang scouting event in itself be used as preparation for scout activities worldwide in 1937 was conducted in Bloemendaal, Netherlands. Because as hosts, Dutch then invited countries to participate colonies.

From the archive documented by the Dutch a lot of activity aimed at the jamboree in Ijen. In addition to camping, unisex natural cruising the route up to the Source Porong Lawang.

From these activities, a number of participants who rated conversation then flown to the Netherlands to follow international jamboree is themed 'Lead Happy Lives'

Take a trip to Sumber Porong Lawang
The existence of scouting was lost when the Japanese invade Indonesia in 1942. Then the scout members in Malang many joined the camp of PETA in Blitar.

Remembering Cinema Alhambra / Grand in Malang

Cinema Grand is one of the oldest cinemas in Malang, before it turned into a 'Grand', the cinema is named Cinema Alhambra.

From the records of the existing historical documents, the Alhambra is one of five first cinema in Malang, reportedly even more than the first built in Jakarta. This cinema was established in 1928 which is located in Jalan Agus Salim No. 1.

Alhambra was founded by Ali Soerati, he is a man of Pakistani origin who is a businessman Cinema, in addition to the Alhambra itself also has Theatres Flora. When you first present in Malang, this cinema is not showing the film because the existing European, their films, mostly from the Middle East from Egypt.

The existence of the Alhambra in Malang not too long, because at that time the cinema has 'killed' by the media until it went bankrupt, the reason is because the owner never gave to the media advertising pie. Then the building was sold.

The Cinema then taken over by a businessman of Chinese descent named Fred Young alias Nyo Tiong Gie. The figure is one of the founders established the company Majestic Pictures original films in Malang but canceled and made in Batavia.

In the following year, making India the film serbuah Cinema Grand into full swing for the community Malang to watch Indian films. Until the 90s, the cinema business is no longer lucrative because in Malang has many competitors. The bankrupt one by one cinema, including Cinema Grand up eventually sold and used building was constructed shopping center Partner until now.

John Whitehead expedition Conquer Mount Bromo in 1880

Efforts expedition to conquer Mount Bromo, East Java, was already done since the Dutch colonial era. One of the famous journey undertaken by John Whitehead in the 1880s.

John Whitehead, a British ornithologists traveling ascent of the Dutch postal favorite hills, Tosari. According to him, for the more adventurous traveler who has active volcanoes that can be visited. Mount Bromo become one of the areas that offer the most spectacular scenery in between the rows of the mountain in Java. In the dry season which lasts from April to November (based on the story told by modern rover Bill Dalton to John), there are views of the sunrise "blood red".

In early September Whitehead began to travel accompanied by a Dutch youth to the crater of Bromo. Upon arriving at the top of a steep cliff where Tosari are, horse track begins, straddles the ridge far enough, then slowly down to the valley which is overgrown with pine tree forest Casuaria, rising again to reach the crater rim. After that, the path followed by a sharp winding across the desert.

Told, they depart from the hotel at 05:30 am. By using the pony Whitehead et al slowly climbing the steep cliffs Tosari. On arriving at the top of this cliff they could see the beautiful scenery of hills and valleys that lie in the distance. But towering above all this is the most beautiful view of the entire Java, cones Mount Smeroe (Sumeru).

Volcanic peaks was once a barren land up to a certain distance, before the visible area of ​​the timber that resembles sabuh the mountain, forming dark circles around the mountain cone reddish color. After several long standing expectantly, slowly but surely a small puff of smoke soared out of the mouth of the mountain gradually turned into a pillar of smoke undulating which has a reddish color. The pillar of smoke slowly rose and by itself makes waves pillars disappear, spinning slowly, spread beautifully in all directions until all gone. The plume of the higher and continue to grow until it becomes a regular clouds of smoke to be dispersed by the wind at higher altitudes and fall back in the form of fine dust to the area around the mountain. However, when the smoke is slowly rising, this pillar chasm left a large crater with the speed and the roar is more powerful than that could be described with the words, accompanied by a fall of rocks and dust in large quantities into the mouth of the crater. The stones and the dust is going to shut the mouth of the crater, but later released again when a very large steam energy already accumulated.

This beautiful eruptions occur every 15 minutes. After standing for a long time admiring the scenic beauty, the delegation Whitehead back riding into the crater Bromo is located on the left. They saw traces of a male peacock in equestrian paths crossed. One of them managed to be lured out, but the peacock was able to escape before they managed to snap a picture.

After several miles, they arrived at the edge of the old crater of Mount Bromo. From this strategic location scenery unfolds regarded as the most beautiful scenery in the world. A thousand feet below this location lie flat desert, surrounded by mountains of volcanic ash are quite barren, has deep grooves across its surface. A number of small craters scattered had erupted, creating a stack of volcanic ash that very much. One of these mounds, which reached several hundred feet high, shaped like a large cooking pot fluted around him with a deep ditch and equidistant from one another. This crater called Mount Batok.

Colour adds to the unique natural scenic wonders of the region. The walls of the crater has a gray color with different gradations. Grate the crater on the surface this seemed to deflect blue to purple alternately in the morning sunshine. At that time the atmosphere was so bright, so that small differences in the line of the horizon can be seen clearly. Once down the steep slopes of the crater, Whitehead et al across the desert are rarely overgrown by weeds. The only animals that look when it is a bird Pipit (Anthus rufulus).

After riding for a long time through the desert, they arrived at the foot of a long hill. The entire surface is covered by fine dust. It used to be a sea of ​​sand is an active crater of Mount Bromo. However, this time the area has been closed if a layer of frozen lava, with a cavity in it, making every step they pose echoes. The horses they had left at the base of the foothills. Hiking path on the hill has been given the facility of stairs and handrails. When traveling ride, steaming cracks where sulfur flows out can be seen clearly. Currently, low ash hill is the only active part of the Bromo crater. In the past, the active crater of the mountain is expected to have a 20-25 mile perimeter.

On the edge of the crater there is a narrow path used by a visitor to see the craters. However, the view to the bottom hampered by hot steam billowing always swirling rose, although rarely can reach the summit crater. A rumble softly that resembles the sound of a large cauldron that is being used to cook something in it.

Bromo latest conditions at this time already fairly quiet save the story of his past full of mystery. That said, a large frozen lava rocks strewn hundreds of meters away across the sand that this is a silent witness fearsome power once held by the giant. When looking at the sights like these that we can realize the magnitude of the power possessed by the volcano, which is used to change the shape of the Earth's surface up to several kilometers away. A few months before Whitehead arrived at Tosari, the lady owner of the hotel has just lost one of his sons who buried the flow of hot mud spewed by Smeroe within a few miles, along with the rest of the coffee plantations, houses, people and everything.

Source: Java Old Days World Meets West 650 years from 1330 to 1985, John Whitehead Climb Mount Bromo, 1880s, excerpted from the Exploration of Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo (1893), p. 91-93

Geschiedenis van Malang stadhuis in het Nederlandse koloniale tijdperk

Voor 1914 Malang is nog steeds een deel van het gebied van ingezetenschap van Pasuruan en Malang is de hoogste autoriteit van de assistent-resident en zijn kantoor is gevestigd in het zuiden Square (nu het kantoor van het ministerie van Financiën). Na Malang zijn status verhoogd naar Gemeente (de stedelijke overheid) 1 april 1914, de stad Malang recht om hun eigen gebieden, geleid door een Burgemeester (burgemeester) regeren. Oorspronkelijk burgemeesterschap werd gehouden door de assistent-resident tot 1918 New 1919 de eerste burgemeester van Malang heeft HI Bussemaker, die nam de post tot 1929. Hoewel de burgemeester is benoemd, maar tot 1926 de stad Malang nog steeds niet over een permanent stad hebben hal kantoor.

De reden voor de vorming van een nieuwe regering centrumgebied maakt de stad (Gemeente) maakte de tweede stad uitbreidingsplan (Bouwplan II), die werd besloten op 26 april 1920. Het gebied wordt genoemd als Gouverneur-Generaalbuurt. Het plan werd pas uitgevoerd in 1922. Het veld is de oriëntatie van de belangrijke nieuwe gebied werd toen genoemd als Jan Pieterszoon Coenplein (JP Square. Coen). Omdat het veld bolvormig (Javaans: bunder), wordt vaak aangeduid als vierkante Bunder. In het midden van het plein gemaakt Bunder fontein. Het plein rond de Bunder, vervolgens werd een verscheidenheid van formele en monumentale gebouwen zoals het Stadhuis Malang, schoolgebouwen HBS (AMS), nu SMA, de residentie van de militaire commandant, Hotel Splendid, en het Bureau van Topografie, alsook andere villa gebouwen. De nieuwe wijk werd bekend als een gebied dat de stad Malang kenmerkt.

Het idee van de planning van de Malang stadhuis tot eind 1926. Op dat moment de burgemeester H.I. Bussemaker Malang City Hall hield een prijsvraag, waarvan de locatie is bepaald in het zuiden veld JP. Coen. Gemeente Malang wees Ir. W. Lemei als een rechter bijgestaan ​​door Ir. Ph. N. te Winkel en Ir. A. Grunberg. Ir. W. Lemei is Landsgebouwendienst officer (Hoofd van het Bureau State Building). In de wedstrijd zijn er 22 inkomende beeld.

In het verslag wordt gegeven door de jury naar Gemeente Malang eigenlijk benadrukken dat geen van de deelnemers die met succes voldoen aan de eisen van de wedstrijd winnaar. Sketch-plattegrond van de inkomende inkomende suggereert dat de auteur minder deskundige commentaar van de jury. De meest opvallende tekort van bijna alle deelnemers volgens het juryrapport onder meer spullen en zet te luxe, de verdeling van de kamers waren minder goed, minder harmonieus grootte vergelijking van de ruimte-ruimte. De mogelijkheden voor uitbreiding werd niet voldaan door sommige deelnemers. Er waren enkele deelnemers die probeerde te verplichten, maar de resultaten werden als zeer rommelig. Slechts één of twee zijn echt na te denken over het goed. Het is dan ook niet verwonderlijk dat op het einde van de jury besloten dat er geen winnaar onder de volgelingen van de wedstrijd.

Maar na onderzoek weer gedaan, toen besloten om de drie ontwerpen om uit te kiezen te nemen. Na te hebben geoordeeld terug de stemmen van de drie aanbevolen niets was nummer één. Winnaar nummer twee en drie wordt gegeven aan de twee beste deelnemers. Door de jury geoordeeld dat beide projecten werden geselecteerd als winnaar tegen een kostprijs van ongeveer kan worden geïmplementeerd f 175.000, -.

Op 14 februari 1927 beslist door het Huis van Afgevaardigden (Gemeenteraad), die wordt beschouwd als het beste ontwerp kan worden gerealiseerd met diverse veranderingen door de jury voorgesteld. De beslissing valt op het ontwerp van HF Hoorn van Semarang onder het motto Voor de Burgers van Malang (Malang voor inwoners). Het stadhuis gebouw werk dat door de stad zelf in 1927-1929 uitgevoerd, met de huidige kosten van f 287.000, - en het meubilair van f 12 325, -. In november 1929 kan het nieuwe gebouw worden gebruikt. De eerste is het gebouw te betrekken vervanging HI Bussemaker, namelijk Ir. EA Voorneman.

Een paar jaar later wat werd opgevoed door de jury als een tekort, dat wil zeggen over de verdeling kantoor, bleek juist. Door de groei van Malang zeer snel, vereisen sommige afdelingen expansie. Er zijn onderdelen die plaatsen en kunnen sommige opsluiting niet meer voldoende. Om het tekort aan deze plaatsen te overwinnen, dan is de leeszaal en bibliotheek verhuisde herenhuis in Jalan Arjuna State Department. Met deze lege ruimtes van tijdelijk ruimtegebrek dan kan worden opgelost.

Het ontwerp van het interieur van het Stadhuis Malang naar C. Citroen, de beroemde architect van Surabaya toevertrouwd. Het interieur is ontworpen door Citroen is het interieur van de aula, de burgemeester en zijn secretaresse ruimte. Omdat de kosten van de bouw van het gebouw bleek werden onverwacht, heeft de begroting voor het interieur beperkt geworden. Toch Citroen is erin geslaagd om een ​​interieur dat de indruk van een heel gezaghebbende beschrijft te creëren. Teak hout is wit, terwijl de stoel was gegeven bekled van Kaleb gele huid.

Stadhuis gebouw bestaat uit twee verdiepingen. De oriëntatie van het gebouw tegenover noord-zuid. Omdat de locatie en vorm van de hoofdlocatie, dan is het stadhuis als om de JP rechter knie. Coen (Plein Bunder) prachtig. De belangrijkste vorm van schema's volledig overeenkomen met de wil van de situatie die moet leiden tot het veld JP Coen. zag-vormig gebouw symmetrie met de hoofdingang in het midden. Boven de ingang van de zaal is gelegen langs een groot terras geflankeerd door de burgemeester en de raadszaal Daily. Al het verkeer moet gaan via de hoofdingang. Instanties die zich bezighouden met het publiek op een lagere verdieping. De situatie is zeer positief uit over het gebouw, zodat het gebouw verschijnen monumentale en prachtig te zijn.

In tegenstelling tot het ontwerp van andere koloniale kantoren in Indië op het moment, werd Malang Stadhuis gemodelleerd veranda (oplage liaison) aan de achterzijde. In het algemeen werd het koloniale kantoor bijna gelijktijdig gebouwd door Hall Malang op het moment, zoals het stadhuis kantoor van Surabaya, Oost-Java Governor's Office of Office van HVA in Surabaya nam lobby rondom het gebouw. Omdat er geen directe bescherming op de ramen keek vooruit, dan is de ramen in het Stadhuis Malang is nu gedwongen door de overstek Bovendien, om tampiasan regenwater en het binnendringen van direct zonlicht houden (hoewel de oriëntatie van het gebouw probeerde noord-zuid richting, maar niet exact). City regering (Gemeente) Malang wanneer het zich bewust is van een aantal tekortkomingen van het ontwerpen van gebouwen, het interieur van het gebouw aan de Gemeente gedwongen om hulp te vragen C. Citroen gedomicilieerd in Surabaya.

Op 29 juli 1947 vielen de Nederlandse Malang staat bekend als de Nederlandse militaire agressie I. Op 31 juli 1947 om 9.30 uur Nederlandse troepen bezetten de stad Malang. Voordat het Nederlandse leger de stad ingevoerd, is het gerechtsgebouw werd platgebrand door de strijders. Niet alleen vernietigde het gerechtsgebouw, andere belangrijke gebouwen, zoals een duizend gebouwen werden successie verbrand. Pas na de onafhankelijkheidsoorlog Malang Town Hall gebouw herbouwd. [Lang: Dutch]

History of Balaikota Malang in Indonesia

Before 1914 Malang is still a part of the area of ​​residency of Pasuruan and Malang is the highest authority in the Assistant Resident and his office is located in the south Square (now the office of the State Treasury). After Malang raised its status to Gemeente (the city government) April 1, 1914, the city of Malang right to govern their own areas, led by a Burgemeester (Mayor). Originally mayoralty was held by the Assistant Resident until 1918. New 1919 first mayor of Malang has HI Bussemaker, who took up the post until 1929. Although the mayor has been appointed, but until 1926 the city of Malang still do not have a permanent city hall office.

The reason for forming a new government center area makes the city (Gemeente) made the second city expansion plan (Bouwplan II) which was decided on April 26, 1920. The area is named as Gouverneur-Generaalbuurt. The plan was only implemented in 1922. The field is the orientation of the major new area was then named as Jan Pieterszoon Coenplein (JP Square. Coen). Because the field is spherical (Javanese: bunder), it is often referred to as square Bunder. In the middle of the square Bunder made fountain. The square around the Bunder, then established a variety of formal and monumental buildings such as City Hall Malang, school buildings HBS (AMS), now SMA, the residence of the military commander, Hotel Splendid, and the Office of Topography, as well as other villa buildings. The new neighborhood became known as an area that characterizes the city of Malang.

The idea of ​​planning the Malang City Hall up until late 1926. At that time the mayor H.I. Bussemaker Malang City Hall held a design contest, whose location has been determined in the south field JP. Coen. Gemeente Malang pointed Ir. W. Lemei as a judge assisted by Ir. Ph. N. te Winkel and Ir. A. Grunberg. Ir. W. Lemei is Landsgebouwendienst officer (Chief of Bureau State Building). In the contest there are 22 incoming image.

The report given by the jury to Gemeente Malang basically emphasize that none of the participants who successfully meet the requirements of the contest winner. Sketch-plan of the incoming incoming suggests that the author is less expert, commented the jury. The most notable shortage of almost all participants according to the jury report, among others, stuff and mount too fancy, distribution of rooms were less good, less harmonious size comparison of space-space. The possibilities for expansion was not met by some participants. There were some participants who tried to oblige but the results were considered very messy. Only one or two are really thinking about it properly. It is therefore not surprising that in the end the jury decided that there was no winner among the followers of the contest.

But after research conducted back, then decided to take the three designs to choose from. Having held back the votes among the three featured nothing was rated number one. Winner number two and three are given to the two best participants. By the jury assessed that both projects were selected as winner may be implemented at a cost of approximately f 175.000, -.

On February 14, 1927 decided by the House of Representatives (Gemeenteraad) that is considered the best design can be realized with various changes proposed by the jury. The decision falls to the draft HF Horn of Semarang with the motto Voor de Burgers van Malang (Malang For Residents). The city hall building work carried out by the city itself in 1927-1929, with the current cost of f 287,000, - and the furniture of f 12 325, -. In November 1929 the new building can be used. The first to occupy the building is a replacement HI Bussemaker, namely Ir. EA Voorneman.

A few years later what was raised by the jury as a deficiency, ie on the division office, proved correct. As a result of the growth of Malang very fast, some departments require expansion. There are parts that have to change places and some confinement is not sufficient anymore. To overcome the shortage of these places, then the reading room and library moved town house in Jalan Arjuna State Department. With these empty spaces for temporary shortage of space then it can be solved.

The design of the interior of the City Hall Malang entrusted to C. Citroen, the famous architect of Surabaya. The interior is designed by Citroen is the interior of the assembly hall, the mayor and his secretary space. Because the cost of construction of the building turned out were unexpected, the budget for the interior has become limited. Nevertheless Citroen has managed to create an interior that describes the impression of quite authoritative. Teak wood is white, while the chair was given bekled of kaleb yellow skin.

City hall building consists of two floors. The orientation of the building facing north-south. Because the location and shape of the main location, then the city hall as if to master the JP courts. Coen (Square Bunder) beautifully. The main form of schematics correspond completely to the will of the situation that should lead to the field JP Coen. looked-shaped building symmetry with the main door right in the middle. Above the entrance to the meeting room is located along a large terrace flanked by the mayor and council chamber Daily. All traffic must go through the main door. Agencies dealing with the public on a lower floor. The situation is very supportive of the building so that the building appear to be monumental and magnificent.

In contrast to the design of other colonial offices in the Indies at the time, Malang City Hall was modeled verandas (circulation liaison) at the rear. In general, the colonial office was built almost simultaneously by Hall Malang at the time, such as the City Hall office of Surabaya, East Java Governor's Office or Office of HVA in Surabaya took lobby surrounding the building. Because there is no direct protection on the windows looked ahead, then the windows at City Hall Malang is now forced by overstek addition, to hold tampiasan rainwater and the entry of direct sunlight (although the orientation of the building attempted to north-south direction, but not exact). City Government (Gemeente) Malang when it is aware of some shortcomings of the building design, the interior of the building to the Gemeente forced to ask for help C. Citroen domiciled in Surabaya.

On July 29 1947 the Dutch invaded Malang is known as the Dutch Military Aggression I. On July 31, 1947 at 9:30 am Dutch troops occupied the city of Malang. Before the Dutch army entered the town, the courthouse has been burnt to the ground by the fighters. Not only destroyed the courthouse, other important buildings include a thousand buildings were burned succession. Only after the war of independence Malang Town Hall building rebuilt.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Colonial Tastes Restaurant of Toko “OEN” in Malang

Toko “OEN” is one amongst of the oldest family-owned restaurants that's still being run and managed by the direct descendants of the founders. it had been originally begun in around 1910 in Yogyakarta by mrs. Liem Gien Nio (Grandma Oen / (Dutch: “Oma Oen”), wife of mr. Oen Tjoen Hok (Grandpa Oen / Dutch: “Opa Oen”). The name has literal that means of “Oen’s Cookies Store”.

In the history of the first Toko “OEN”, there have been in total four (four) branches: Yogyakarta (1910-1937), Djakarta (1934-1973), Malang (1936-1990), and city (1936-now)

In the year 1922 this cookies store has undergone a change from simply simply commerce cookies to Associate in Nursing frozen dessert parlour and anon the building. The room was supported the Dutch, Indonesian, and Chinese tastes and preparation.

Later on in 1934 branches were opened in Malang and Batavia (Now: Jakarta). In 1935, grandfather Oen bought a building in city from a English person World Health Organization has had a grill within the venue. This building set at 52nd Bodjong street (now: Jalan Pemuda). As from 1936 this building is reworked as Toko “OEN” city. the first venue in Yogyakarta was then incorporated into one.

In 1973 the building of the Djakarta branch was bought by ABN Bank and it had been de-escalated to be remodeled as workplace facilities.

In 1990 was the worsening of the branch in Malang. The building was bought to be restored as a automotive panopticon. thanks to the historical worth of the building in Malang, the government prohibited the building to be restored in any means. The building required to be intact because it forever has been, together with all the decorations at the front that really was the company identity of Toko “OEN”. The new owner of the building then continues to create use of the identity and therefore the proprietary Toko “OEN” as building and frozen dessert parlour. this can be really Associate in Nursing criminality / usage of the trademark Toko “OEN” since the new owner of the building failed to have any agreements some with the patent holder of the trademark Toko “OEN”, World Health Organization ar residing, running and managing the Toko “OEN” in city. the present management of Toko “OEN” Malang don't mirror any of the aspects nor the recipes that were “invented” by the late mrs. Liem Gien Nio & man. Oen Tjoen Hok.

The dishes at Toko “OEN” city ar still ready and done as if it's being ready by granny Oen herself earlier. The building is additionally having the standing from the menu that could be a classic Dutch Colonial-style: the uitsmijter, huzarensalade, kaasstengels, and so on. For the homesick ice cream, folks ar returning from close to and much to city. If we'd have a Michelin Guide in Dutch East Indies, they might quote this as “It is definitely worth the detour!”.

We ar needing to welcome you in our restaurant!

The Selecta Recreational Park in Batu Malang

In Indonesia, it is not afdhol if the place does not have a famous legend, Selecta one of them and has its own legends and please believe it or not. Sohibul saga, De Ruyter Wild sought the advice of a king in Singosari to find a strategic place as a resort, the venue is planned to be used as a place to sit back and enjoy the beautiful natural scenery. After several choices do feasibility study, finally Tulungrejo area in this selection and qualified material and spiritual. The place was visited and plugged fire lantern on the ground and then observed the fire where it leads when the wind was blowing and whether the color of bluish flame, then masters sniffed the ground if it contains sacred smell.

Selecta history itself has long been known as a place to cool off from the bustle of the big city, but it Selecta has a heroic side of history in a series of events of the founding of the Republic of Indonesia. The area now known as Parks Selecta was formerly owned by a Dutch colonizers. Since 1928, Selecta historical memories and events in the Revolution. Bung Karno as proclaimers and first President of the Republic of Indonesia is said a lot to think and find the inspiration to unify large former Majapahit empire and other kingdoms in Indonesia such as Sriwijaya, Mataram, until the kingdom of eastern region of Indonesia. From one corner of this Selecta Park in 1942 during the Japanese occupation during the 15 days Bung Karno and several prominent independence Brandarice stay at the villa which is now known as Shakti Bima villa. In this Selecta Bung Karno and his team struggle to arrange ideas born manuscript text of the Proclamation of independence.

Bung Hatta as a whole Duumvirate Soekarno-Hatta KNIP conference ahead of 1956 also had stopped at Shakti Bima villa. When the Bung Hatta finish Keris spirit that became the forerunner of the Indonesian economy. Thought remarkable Bung Hatta by moving people to become the main actor wheel drive Indonesia's economy began with the cooperative. With the spirit of community economy ala Bung Hatta was, until now used by the management of Selecta, one of the principles of democratic economy is to arrange finance as much as possible not owe. Apparently a lot of history was born in Selecta Recreation Park!

Selecta recreational park is one of the favorite tourist attraction in the town of Batu which existed long before the advent of recreational areas such as Jatim Park, Museum of Transportation and other famous tourist attractions. Although already quite old, but the place is still good enough to be one of the destinations on your travel in Batu. In addition to landscaped flower garden pretty enough, we can also enjoy a variety of other tourist facilities such as flyingfox, waterboom and other facilities that is worth trying. Its location on a plateau, making visitors can freely enjoy the mountain scenery Arjuna, mountain Panderman and other hills.

Address Selecta Recreation Park is located in the City of Rock precisely on Jl. Raya Selecta No. 1, Tulung Rejo village, district. Bumiaji, district. Batu, East Java. Way to go to get to where it is quite easy to reach both by motorcycles, cars and even large vehicles such as buses though. You can see in the stone town tour map which is on the right sidebar. Facilities Around Selecta:

Hotel and Lodging
Around the area of ​​travel, recreation park manager Selecta provide good lodging concept of a hotel room or cottage as many as 70 rooms. Price at Selecta starting from Rp.600.000 - to Rp.750.000 per night depend on the type of room. As for the cottage is priced Rp.2.300.000, - per night. If you want to find other lodging alternative, you can find many hotels and inns in the city's Stone. You can book hotel online at Agoda (credit card) or PegiPegi (by transfer) by entering the keyword "Batu East Java" or "Batu Jawa Timur".

Still in the area of ​​travel, there are also many food and drink vendors who hold a stall at the food court that has been provided. Selecta recreational park also has a restaurant if you want to eat some where more lux and just give the impression of a more romantic to your love.

Parking area
You also do not need to worry if a private vehicle or large vehicles such as buses even for reserved parking area is quite extensive which is next to the souvenir shop and a flower to accommodate many vehicles at a time. Parking tickets for motorcycles is Rp.2000, - and car Rp.5000, -.

Toilets and Public WC
The public toilets can meet at several locations. So you need not worry if when it is remotely located in the tourist locations to pee.

For the issue of worship, you also do not need to worry because in this area provided two small mosque which can be used as a place for daily prayers for Muslims. It is located above the restaurant in the south.

Kartika Wijaya Batu Heritage Hotel Built in 1891 by Using Dutch Architecture

Here the enjoyable beautiful view of Panderman Mountain which you could get when you and your family plan to your vacation at Kartika Wijaya Hotel.

The fresh air that you could feel upon you arrive and put your step at the lobby of the hotel that built in 1891 by using Dutch architecture and equipped with modern buildings.

Kartika Wijaya-Batu Heritage Hotel since the colonial era dubbed the 'Klein Switzerland' (miniature of Switzerland). The cool air and the beauty of mountain panoramas can be enjoyed from the terrace of the hotel rooms Kartika Wijaya, reflecting the natural harmony of the town of Batu.

Hotel Travel Guide:
15 minutes away from hotel. This is one of a family recreation and waterpark with mountain background and also there is fruits & flowers market

15 minutes from hotel. Get the experience of taking apples fresh from the trees and also you can enjoy it while you are looking all the view of mountain

Can be reached in 10 minutes from hotel where people can buy only seeds of the fresh and beautiful flower

BNS ( Batu Night Spectacular )
10 minutes from hotel, people can enjoy the family recreation park at night

JTP 1 ( Jatim Park 1 )
10 minutes from hotel, the biggest family recreation park in east java

JTP 2 ( Jatim Park 2 )  --> Secret Zoo & Museum Satwa
10 minutes from hotel, a family recreation park and also education center

10 minutes from hotel, hundreds of bird that you can find in this recreation park

07 minutes from hotel,The learning and the largest collection of transportation in Indonesia,combineted with the world's Legend Movie star

10 minutes from hotel, the heaven for paragliders who wants to enjoy the view of  mount Banyak

10 minutes from hotel, the beautiful scenery of waterfall with unique legend behind it

10 minutes from hotel, many kinds of fruit are sold that is coming from Batu with cheap price

Only 7 minutes from hotel. As the center of activities of people of Batu. It has popular food such as Pos Ketan, KUD, and also milk. It surronded by a small but unique family recreation park

There are two sources of hot water that contains of sulfur near by hotel. Cangar is located 20 minutes from hotel and songgoriti is 5 minutes from hotel

This magnificient view of Bromo Mountain can be reached in 4 hours from hotel. It will not be completed to visit Batu if you dont stop by at Bromo as memorable story to tell while you are going back to your home

Can be reached in 10 minutes from hotel but you can also enjoy the view of Panderman mountain while you have breakfast at our coffee shop

Can be reached in 1-1,5 hours from hotel.Many packages where people can find if they want to join rafting,start from standard until night rafting with 3 hour duration max.

KALIWATU RAFTINGAnother place to do outdoor facilities in Batu is Kaliwatu, just 10 minutes from hotel, not only rafting but also can do flying fox & outbound

10 minutes from hotel

Batu Heritage Hotel
127 Panglima Sudirman Street, Batu
East Java - Indonesia
Phone: +62 341 - 592600, Fax: +62 341 - 591004
Email: reservasi@kartikawijaya.com

The Tourism City of Batu (Kota Wisata Batu)

Batu (Indonesian: Kota Batu, stone town) or formally Kota Batu may be a city situated in East Java Province of state. it's set regarding twenty kilometre to the northwest of Malang. Formerly, it absolutely was a district of Malang Regency; however in 2001, Batu became AN freelance town legalized by Act No. 11 of 2001, once it became AN freelance municipal town with its own civil authority and council.

A population of one hundred ninety,000 people, it lies on the southern slopes of Gunung Welirang. Its population for the most part consists of Javanese. The city accustomed be a recreation place for the Dutch colonial officers within the Dutch colonial space (before 1945). Batu means that rock in Indonesian.

The city of Batu lies on a slope of many mountains. the foremost outstanding of the mountains area unit Mount Anjasmoro (2,277 m), Mount Arjuno (3,339 m), Mount Welirang (3,156 m), Mount Banyak (1,306 m), Mount Kawi (2,551 m), Mount Panderman (2,045 m), Mount Semeru (3.676 m), and Mount Wukir (335 m).

Batu may be a fertile mountainous space enclosed by agricultural land. within the 19th-century, the Dutch Malay Archipelago government developed Batu as a mountain resort. numerous villa and resort facilities were inbuilt Batu throughout the amount.

Batu is acknowledge by its business enterprise space. a number of them are:

  • Cuban Rondo Waterfall
  • Jatim Park (Jawa Timur Park): a place for learning and playing.
  • Jatim Park 2
  • Selecta Pool and Garden.
  • BNS: Batu Night Spectacular
  • Alun-Alun Batu
  • Eco-Green Park
  • Museum Satwa
  • Museum Angkut
  • Pasar Parkiran
  • Paralayang
  • Coban Pitu

There is a historic colonial-style building in here, The Kartika Wijaya, that was supported in 1891 by the Sarkies Brothers, outstanding Armenian immigrants best far-famed for institution a sequence of luxury hotels throughout geographic region, particularly Dutch Malay Archipelago. it absolutely was originally engineered as a vacation villa for the Sarkies family, and was solely later changed into a building.

Kota Batu is een stad in Oost-Java provincie van Indonesië

Batu (Indonesisch: Kota Batu, steen stad) of officieel Kota Batu is een stad in Oost-Java provincie van Indonesië. Het ligt op ongeveer 20 km ten noordwesten van Malang. Vroeger was het een deel van Malang Regency; maar in 2001, Batu werd een onafhankelijke stad gelegaliseerd door Wet No 11 van 2001, toen het een onafhankelijke gemeentelijke stad met een eigen burgemeester en raad werd.

Een populatie van 190.000 mensen, het ligt op de zuidelijke hellingen van Gunung Welirang. De bevolking bestaat grotendeels uit Javanen. De stad was vroeger een recreatie plaats voor de Nederlandse koloniale officieren in het Nederlandse koloniale gebied (vóór 1945). Batu betekent rots in Indonesisch.

De stad Batu ligt op een helling van een aantal bergen. De meest prominente van de bergen zijn Mount Anjasmoro (2277 m), Mount Arjuno (3339 m), Mount Welirang (3156 m), Mount Banyak (1306 m), Mount Kawi (2551 m), Mount Panderman (2045 m), Mount Semeru (3,676 m) en Mount Wukir (335 m).

Batu is een vruchtbaar bergachtig gebied omringd door landbouwgrond. In de 19e eeuw, de Nederlands-Indië overheid ontwikkeld Batu als een vakantieoord in de bergen. Diverse villa en resort faciliteiten werden gebouwd in Batu tijdens de periode.

Batu is bekend door zijn toeristisch gebied. Sommige ervan zijn:

  • Cubaanse Rondo Waterval
  • Jatim Park (Jawa Timur Park): een plek om te leren en te spelen.
  • Jatim Park 2
  • Selecta zwembad en tuin.
  • BNS: Batu Night Spectacular
  • Alun-Alun Batu
  • Eco-Green Park
  • Museum Satwa
  • Museum Angkut
  • Pasar Parkiran
  • Paralayang
  • Coban Pitu

Er is een historische hotel in koloniale stijl in hier, The Kartika Wijaya, die in 1891 werd gesticht door de Sarkies Brothers, prominente Armeense immigranten het best bekend voor het oprichten van een keten van luxe hotels in heel Zuidoost-Azië, met name Nederlands-Indië. Het werd oorspronkelijk gebouwd als een vakantie villa voor de familie Sarkies, en werd pas later omgebouwd tot een hotel. [Lang: Dutch]

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

De geschiedenis van Malang Regency

De geschiedenis van Malang Regency kon worden onthuld door de Dinoyo inscriptie 760 AD als de primaire officieel document om de geboorte van Malang te ondersteunen voordat een nieuwe inscriptie werd ontdekt in 1986, dat is tot nu toe nog niet onthuld. Volgens de inscriptie, werd geconcludeerd dat de 8e eeuw was het begin van het bestaan ​​van de regering Malang Regency als gevolg van de geboorte van de uitspraak van zijn koninkrijk in Malang Koning Gajayana's. Vanaf het Dinoyo inscripties, wordt opgemerkt dat de inscriptie gebruikt de "Candra Sengkala" of "Cronogram" Calendar, en verklaarde dat de geboortedatum van Malang Regency was Jum'at Legi (zoete vrijdag) van 28 november 760 AD.

De stad was de hoofdstad van Singhasari in 1222, vervolgens overgebracht naar Nederlandse kolonie. Malang werd gemoderniseerd onder de Nederlanders; het milde klimaat dat het gevolg is van de hoogte, samen met de nabijheid van de belangrijkste haven van Soerabaja, maakte het een populaire bestemming voor de Nederlanders en andere Europeanen. In 1879, werd Malang aangesloten op Java's spoorwegnet, een verdere verhoging van de ontwikkeling en leidt tot verhoging van de industrialisatie.

Samen met de groei kwam verstedelijking. De overheid kan niet voldoen aan de behoeften van de bevolking voor betaalbare woningen, wat leidde tot de bouw van sloppenwijken langs de rivieren en rolbanen. Vandaag de dag, de sloppenwijken nog steeds bestaan; hoewel sommige zijn omgetoverd tot "betere" -behuizing. [Lang: Dutch]

The history of Malang

The history of Malang Regency might be disclosed through the Dinoyo inscription 760 AD because the primary written document to support the birth of Malang before a replacement inscription was discovered in 1986, that is to this point not nevertheless disclosed. consistent with the inscription, it had been over that the eighth century was the start of the existence of Malang Regency's government because of the birth of King Gajayana's ruling of his kingdom in Malang. From the Dinoyo inscriptions, it's noted that the inscription used the "Candra Sengkala" or "Cronogram" Calendar, and expressed that the birth date of Malang Regency was on Jum'at Legi (sweet Friday) of twenty eight Gregorian calendar month 760 AD.

The town was capital city of Singhasari in 1222, then transferred to Dutch colony. Malang was modernised below the Dutch; its gentle climate which ends up from its elevation, in conjunction with its proximity to the key port of Surabaya, created it a well-liked destination for the Dutch and different Europeans. In 1879, Malang was connected to Java's railroad network, additional increasing development and resulting in increased  manufacture.

Along with growth came urbanization. the govt couldn't satisfy the population’s desires for cheap housing, that crystal rectifier to the building of shanty cities on the rivers and rail tracks. Today, the shanty cities still exist; though some are remodeled into “better” housing. [Lang: En]
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